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lunes, 28 de enero de 2013


The changing role of librarians

A combination of new technology and shifting student expectations is (0)                     radically_altering the job of a college or university librarian. Many librarians now regard themselves as information brokers who (1) enable, facilitate, incorporate, render and manage access to the information resources needed for learning, teaching and research. They agree that the pace of change has (2) accelerated, gathered, raced, hastened and much more content is delivered electronically.

As a result of this, a librarian’s responsibilities include information technology, knowledge management and institutional portals, in addition to being excellent managers and interpreters of services which may be provided from a growing (3) accumulation, extent, series,  range of global resources. Despite tremendous changes within library environments, these (4) goals, challenges, achievements,  strengths are regarded as stimulating. Librarians respond by being flexible and adaptable in establishing a strong customer (5), point, attention, focus, contact requiring the expansion of their skills to providing (6) encouragement, approval, support, supplies to internet users and delivering e-services. (7) Nevertheless Thereafore, most librarians say that many traditional library skills are still (8) applicable , expedient, preferable, parallel in the digital world.
Source : Cambridge University press.

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