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sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013

What I've learned today from Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi 01

Page 44 They were quizzical you look in a way that shows that you are surprised or amused eyes, eyes that asked many questions and did not accept many answers. Page 42 “What did you do there? Did you eat food sacrificed to idols? Did you desecrate to deliberately damage or insult sth/sn. your Christian tongue?” Page 57 “Has the devil asked you all to go on errands for him?” The Igbo words burst out of Papa’s mouth. “Has the devil built a tent in my house?” He turned to Mama. “You sit there and watch her desecrate to deliberately damage or insult sth/sn. the Eucharistic fast, maka nnidi?”

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